reality ends with a situation that could be a dream. One walks the streets looking into whether everything is in place where it should be or every situation occurs according to shared bearing.
The perception of human nature is for many undeniably strange. She caught six times to make sure the heater worked and the tucked in various corners of the bed to leave her comfortable. And wait a few minutes to close the windows and make sure anyone to enter in any way. When they arrived, they were embraced with great serenity sleeping together as if nothing had happened. Only a halo of his breath gave off gas directly to the south through a crack in one of the light holes. The desperation to find an answer, some kind of exit before he arrived and forced them back to their whims. There was no escape because where would always find them. Huddled in the dim lamplight expected the tunnel to take them to the exit.
As Borges would say, blind to the faults could be ruthless fate the slightest distraction. But that was not the case. Dividing the time could put us in front of them and collect each part of the above sequence. The question would be capricious if necessary take the child also to the great escape. Visualize the extent to which reality is stranger than we imagined.
On the other hand, a mother, apparently - is suffering for her daughter lying in the hospital almost hopeless where no one knows what treatment to give because they do not discover the evil that still plagues him. The mother calls and asks for help desperately. Until the child goes to intensive care and accident on the night comes a nurse and the mother is injecting urine. It is natural that the real is stranger than we imagined.
to where reality begins at the imagination of these real characters they created a story for us, and used their own gadgets to overcome deception. Sea to escape to freedom, was given the chance to create a stage before death or Munchausen's syndrome by proxy. Both cases were registered at some point in the press and are real. As could unlock the device, seeing the other side of reality, what is unacceptable. Around the mirror where no reflection. There he found two women in two perfect angles egocentric themselves reflected in his imaginary reality. Seeing only one side, theirs.
It is natural that the real is stranger than anyone had imagined, and hope that none of this is true, but it is reality. And this in us to create the devices to obscure the sun and moon shine as best we like our infinite pleasure. In the most important to our lives.
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