Friday, January 21, 2011

How Many Calories In A Slice Of American Cheese

look around the parks that encompass the sea before my eyes. And seek the necessary break. And I gaze at the role of speed and organize things in my mind the stages one by one, carefully to the breeze with me tonight.

I have taken the right space to socialize with my anger and silence that cracked the ashes of a cigarette that no longer works. The bridge is long and extensive, in this city, their curves are beautiful and despise each of my steps. Push me to remember other bridges outlined in the report. Where should I cross over, go and replace everything and start over. Cross the bridge without signs is a way of coping and break down walls that often prevent progress.

returned to Lima for a time, for urgent reasons. Frankly I do not rant on that accumulate in my mind, just give me a brief space. At dawn I think of hundreds of things like my head was a file that opens folders one by one and review the most urgent. And I see the bridges that I cross to get there.

Yesterday I saw my mother wanted a hurry to get home quickly and I asked him why he urged him to get there fast if my dad had Azheimer and I did not know who she was. And she turned to me and said he did not know who she was but she does know who he was. I realized that my mother crossed his own routes and my father was waiting on the other side lost in oblivion. But she would do everything possible to accompany each interval they had. And now he was facing a long pause where she was raising walls and crossing rivers and thousands of bridges to get where he was.

crossed many years and I looped fence barriers unsustainable taking a break from one thing or another. Now against the fences that separate me from the sea, I'm exhausted and I recall streets, cafes, routes, travel, heat, cold, lies, truths, I watch lo cotidiano y me pregunto si puedo tener la fortaleza de cruzar otra vez un puente paso a paso ante lo imposible.

Busco la noche ante la marea y a pesar de la pena justifico las palabras de alguien y eternizo cada instante que lleno sus palabras, etapa a etapa examinando el pasado. Pausa con pausa, quedito hablando bajito a la memoria. Dando espacios. Elevando vallas, vías, circuitos interminables donde nos perdimos. Circundando la marea, cruzo el puente al amanecer sin pensar si él sabe quién soy yo porque lo que importa es que yo sé quién es él. Único.
Central Park, more than a year ago


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