Saturday, January 31, 2009

Freehow To Build Pontoon Boats

In the father's name on Ithaca and spaces

Loneliness is a big boat full of crazy where all paddle in reverse, where you stay underwater and turn your back against the wall. These are the stigmas that allows me to ignore the existence of creation, however, persist in it. Returning again to bridges, subways, streets and windows of the metro where I quickly cross the whereabouts of every alley, street or wandering musician. To the wobble of dormancy and cold overwhelming, remind me what is safe to be lost in oblivion and ephemera of the time it slips through our fingers, not even perceive. I survived the night and here at the memory persist inexhaustible cualsea where it comes from the memory. A term - cualsea - taken after a reading of Agamben very seriously indeed. And these nights you push to be part of the breath of that air malicious gradually overcomes you by breaking the streets against the current. I hear a voice that makes me want to open my eyes as if to escape the dream, indomitable fighting against my kidnappers do not let me wake up. When open, an old toothless insult to all humanity, as the hostage no name. Shows an old stick and rush quixotically to the scorn and apathy with magic words: the consciousness of working for nothing without one. After calls for support from site to site, when it comes to my place, I ask him about his problem, he responds that it was so important that I had forgotten, and looking out the window question could take this train to paradise? Thinking and co nTest something, but he made a hand gesture delimiting: the end does not matter if I do not know who I am. I looked out the window and turning the head the old man and was not heard from him ever again.

The necessity of remembrance to the daily, the newspaper be without being not cost absolutely nothing and return again to cualsea needed for forgetfulness. That brings me to remember, off the plane and look for the crowd to my brother, and look after years, the streets of my city. A city full of desires, secrets and forgotten. I entered the house and saw my father sitting at the table, I approached him and hugged him, he turned and said, "Who are you. I'm your daughter (I said). He smiled and shook his head: You're not my daughter, she is in New York. Again, the chain of forgetfulness abducted in time, lost in limbo with no memory. And my father, lost in oblivion as insufferable as herbs walling without escape.
Comes the desire of the night without memories to feel some peace and peaceful sleep to the apocryphal. I walk into my attic and forgetfulness persist in wanting my father to the immutable that the development takes away every day with no backsliding. As one old man who fought against humanity and the minutes could not recall who it was. And I start omens where is just some of my memories and not hurt the thinking between words full of lies. That's just right now, which fills the entire night and indifference take him to oblivion pleasure of the damned. And as Jose Emilio Pacheco say "do not ask me how time flies" I'll take my memories to throw them out the window for the artificial vanish between the omission and indifference. So one day you can ask and who do you go? No recall not a single lie cualsea, in the name of the father.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Emmerson E 20 Disposal

What is a body feel when you love? Die and be reborn a thousand times in another revival of espac io and return the body back. Explore the limits of millions of wishes to convert only one for the other to feel the touch of the body. Stretching
silences to be words in and explode when you open your eyes to start again in a body ...

The year which burst faded, I'm here looking through the window of the plane thousands of feet high, away from the city I live some time ago to meet a break to stop my evenings, bridges, my nights Deluge and delirium. And penetrates the wind runs smoothly between us, we hope to touch his hand creeping our souls often forgotten by others. We feel the pressure to rise, makes us remember a moment that belong to the fragmentation of time, the old cynicism of some memory and eternity of our body given someone a thousand times by ourselves.
Long trips are so boring and had to change trains in NY to Miami to catch another I take a short vacation. After making a long line, hand over documents and go through the manga could get to my seat and sit down. I wanted to relax and listen to music, Caetano Veloso and had to Coldplay - a strange mixture but interesting to my ears. I brought Cavafy, a book needed for a trip and I began to leaf through. Suddenly I heard a voice singing half my seatmate was a very smiling Argentine drinking a beer, which he told me to scale from Texas to Miami to go to Lima.
Tome that we were all guided to a target time together to meet some respite hope. The eternal return of some memory left stark nonsense. How to make sense of the eternal, the incident delirium of time? A shameful what is left of desire and know it's hopeless. Recover each of those flames which the body burns sustained in memory, you know it's almost ethereal so do not want to remember anything.
Travel is part of a strategy, we are almost like chameleons that we need to transform seasonally to revive again. To return to air new and reinvent ourselves. I see the lights through the window in the dark and understand that this trip will be adventurous and will take up some souvenirs. Before you buckle up and save the book, I think in the future to understand the meaning of Ithaca.