Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How To Stick Polystyrene To Metal

(Bagnante assise)
PierreAuguste Renoir

When melancholy sprawling

with deceptive whispers to me struggle to reach the scares
near you,
the shelter of your embrace
and heat in your eyes my heart

Monday, May 16, 2011

Marzetti's Potatoe Salad Dressing

Clean mirror

With a hair dryer soften your skin. And each body part tracking, sniffing spaces, bit by bit feeling the stiffness of the limbs. When you reach the face, her eyes full of cracks appeared purple halos. Dodged some insolent poking cracks in the folds of the dough. Remove one feathers, leaves, bright sand that slipped by the bias of his armpits.
I think every part of this organization is unique, but is marked by the passivity of the times. Is undermined by the fact of the universe dissolute. Where they unite their members and I uprooted to organize their parties in the best way possible. It's not something simple because I do so quite harmony and ablution. Thus, fit as neatly fused. I am somewhat obsessive in my work and I like the lightness in extreme situations.
The water runs through the part and I see that are accurate in the box. After I call a couple of managers and tell them to take the beach of Condevilla where landfills reach. I take off the gloves and wash my hands thoroughly. through the door and breathe the clean air and smile.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Homemade Hair Straightening Solution

near you deluded


Image network

... and I was

the waiting time to achieve what I erased

light shine with the stars

Seas sail on the wings of the wind

match the beauty of the flower
breath of heaven

mystery drink
gods love is now ...

embracing life than just try to be.