Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ironing Board Covers 18x54


Hi everyone!

I tell you that now I have set myself a challenge, be my own forum. I'm still working on it, but I'd extend the invitation for anyone who is interested in learning this beautiful art.

your concern can leave a comment or write to:

Love to all and thanks for all those beautiful comments that I write.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Acute Leukemia Symptoms More Condition_treatment

photos with the teacher Gustavo Sala!

Here I show you a time rather than rewarding particular, the teacher passes the Chamber, had to finish drawings For the girl and asks us if we bother to make a space to draw before giving a talk! I peed on emotion, and descosa pass master! Sometime I'll tell you now why it is my favorite artist

Punching Bag Arthritis


Hi folks, finally got some pics of ViƱetazo, comic festival that was made in the province of Cordoba, organized by the people of bullet V passed with the organization and gave us a booth at the people who copaba doing fanzines, were: the living legend of Solano Lopez, the genius of Sanz and my personal idol and favorite Artisit Gustavo Sala, which is a very nice and has the humility of the great!, Here in this picture I am with my colleague and friend Emily Ciarlante, beast that draws like a god with only 19 years! the future is assured, it's time that publishers realize

Friday, September 17, 2010

New Baby Welcome Messages


Hi everyone!

Here I bring a little frames created by me, hope you like it.

be opened to use the frame with a graphic design pogram, psp, photofiltre (this is what I use). In case you do not know or do not find it, I offer to put the picture you want, you just have to tell me for a comment and leave me your email address to contact you.



pd.: There are some little frames that I forgot to sign ... plop! but I did.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Regular Dvd On Xbox Hdmi 1080


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Retirement Cartoon Free


These are two jobs with no effects, or be in jpg and png.
