Friday, May 15, 2009

Does Grecian Formula Really Work

underground /

Here are two entries]

underground Notes

all our demons are written in ink, without seeking color must have been recorded in our existence. In order to bring our thoughts. Look
bodies through the window created by the minds of others. Could be imaginary and seal the source of any memory or sink into nothing in vain. The empty lane 2 in the morning, makes me feel a strange wonder and solitude. It's late and almost no one on the train. The rats come and go between the rails, leave me thinking they are so tiny and want to be free. Might confuse between these thoughts. The anonymity of the bodies in this subterranean paradise. Guard my soul away and I became a single body with no past and no memory.
could say I'm going through a rebuilding phase creative and personal. Decision is a very different time (I imagine many of you). I look around the walls closes a cycle, a time of change. To make way for the lines, which prompter between my fingers, reading a book by Kundera. They get a lot of thoughts in my mind.
I can remember I was in a presentation, rather participated in it. I heard different opinions on my creative work. It might feel good, however, my search is relentless and goes beyond words. I will quote the old Milan Kundera "... to write books, the man turns into the universe and the essential property of the universe is precisely that of being unique. The existence of another universe threatens so in its own essence. "

recognition not only is the search time in a universe of words. That goes beyond celebration and reconciliation with otherness crude. You stay as looking inside yourself and persistent questions where is the passion? Writing is not only word is more than one syllable is a universe. The tuning of a circumstance made word we transform the writing on one sheet. No matter if you use the pen is the right word.

The passion in my journal writing is becoming. Because of these circumstances if ent and perish as many of you. Our spirit have those kinks that emerge when we outlined a word, to say that we love and accept it memorable to be forgotten. Can be read as a pun, and if you go beyond a game of passion. Undress each syllable to the delight of the eyes of those who feel like us.

And every word tell a story about love, lust and cities. Each letter called a truth or a simple lie. And we will seek to be a creator of universes, with thousands of expectant eyes judge our purposes. And we will be defining our own sense of the word.
be better if we love, be true?

Some friends asked me which part is Kundera, so here indicated that part with great pleasure, is the part shown in bold. That quote belongs to the book "The Book of Laughter and Forgetting."
The rest is my responsibility, I think it is more than explained, a hug


Benedetti: the memory of his verses

I like to say that someone was, especially from someone who label a time in my writing and that of many of us, I mean Benedetti. For those who feel their departure, will continue this while reading. I leave a poem one of his poems, which made me very happy one moment and when I read it makes me doubly happy.


Because you
I have and not because you think
because the night is wide-eyed
because the night passes I say love
because you come to collect your
image and you
better than all your pictures
because you are beautiful from the foot to the soul
because you are good from the soul to me
sweet because you hide the pride
sweet little
shell heart

because you're mine
because you are not my
because I look and I die
and worse than dying
if I look at love
and do not look

because you
always exist wherever
But there are better where you want
because your mouth is blood
and you're cold
I have to love love
I have to love
although this wound hurts like two
but you look and you will not find
and although
night pass and I have
and no.