Times when you die of starvation but you have a cell phone in hand. They come in all styles, colors, and payment systems. There is no denying it is the great invention, the delight of the gods as he always says a friend of mine. I can not deny that technology appeals to me as many mortals of this earth. Because no cell death: alien. But that 's not my interest.
few days ago I returned to my first American home of 63 of Lexington, the air calm and the streets were deserted early and somewhat taciturn. Some walked their dogs, some couples had dalliances behind a tree, small bars were still open and someone out there waiting for a taxi appeared. Walk without talking about the streets with the wind in his face, gave me a sense of serenity, solitude and power. Aisha accompanied me on my silence, like never moves, sometimes it seemed I was alone. Walking under the mist, I felt like the dogs that pull her head out the car window to suck air. Until he took the first ring, then came two or three more. Aisha had to answer immediately. Thought and protest about it, rang mine. And strangely rang the phone from the old man waiting taxi. The three sounds at once, sprayed me in an instant. And I started laughing like crazy, Aisha looked at me bewildered, his face went through five subsequent gestures. I can not deny that the ringing of the phone is powerful stole my silence and my serenity, however, restored my sense of control. A small device that is mine defective. My cell phone is always bad, never works. But that day I cried like ten times.
Maybe in the beginning was only created to speak, but the great thing about this little tyrant: the cell is also use it to text message. Many would rather write than talk. Among those I sign myself. It is often said that the paper holds everything, now would it be and God created the world and the cellular messages. Aisha and I went to a English coffee and take a dry spot to come and bring us Morfeo. There were about six people including two talked on the phone and three were laughing alone writing text messages and the sixth was asleep in a chair.
messages come and go. To return to text messages, that incident reminded me that starting in August had to go to Hokokus in NJ, and take the train to Paramus. An old train like something out of a movie from the 30's, a journey of about 45 minutes. The train was on the air and could glimpse the great scenery and several phones that sounded and the many voices talking about in different languages. Some laughed and discussed. The cell power is undeniable. So I turned on my phone and I found missed calls, voice mails and two two messages. But I did not talk to anyone and decided to write something for someone who was away. To write the damn mensajito whole trip took me because my phone was hung and nothing. End lo terminé, y aquí se los dejo. Lo gracioso es que nunca lo envié, y creo que hubiera quedado en tres partes, como hace poco alguien me comentó acerca de un mensajito que le envié porque era muy largo. No lo puedo negar los silencios están escritos en mensajitos de texto.
Como este mensajito que les cuento que escribí en el tren:
Mensaje de texto
(en un T- Mobil defectuoso)
te extraño
limpio sucio roto organizado descompuesto tibio frío fastidioso tierno
hosco aprovechado lujurioso extenuado sonriendo entristecido cabizbajo
fumado borracho preocupado left egocentric arrogant renegade arrested exaggerated horny fun
imagined angry agitated excited passionate lewd lascivious impressed voluptuous active thoughtful tired busy busy enticing gullible available cranky hungry unconscious craving cocky
only lost between my body
limpio sucio roto organizado descompuesto tibio frío fastidioso tierno
hosco aprovechado lujurioso extenuado sonriendo entristecido cabizbajo
fumado borracho preocupado left egocentric arrogant renegade arrested exaggerated horny fun
imagined angry agitated excited passionate lewd lascivious impressed voluptuous active thoughtful tired busy busy enticing gullible available cranky hungry unconscious craving cocky
only lost between my body